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by Fundacja ARTeria

“We, the hearing are constantly “bathing” in language and speech is transparent for us. We do not think about whether our speech is gramatically correct; Will I be understood? Will I have to ask somebody three times to repeat something whenever I do not understand? Deaf and hard of hearing students are not “bathing” in this stream of speech. For them acquiring a language is often a tedious process and this is the value of Cued Speech. It is like an application that helps to lipread. Its advantage is you can learn the system in several or several dozen hours.”

We invite you to watch an interview with two persons who are teaching foreign languages to the people with hearing problems – prof. Ewa Domagała-Zyśk and dr Anna Podlewska.

The video is available with polish and english subtitles (you can turn them on in the lower right corner of the video).

Photos by Michalina Kuczyńska