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Dr hab. prof. KUL Ewa Domagała-Zyśk

Dr Anna Podlewska

Centre for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education

John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Knowing English is so natural for modern people that we cannot imagine we don’t speak it. From an early age we sing English songs and rhymes, as children we watch movies whose characters speak English, we follow news on the Internet and new events in the lives of our foreign friends on social networking sites. We shop online, travel economy class and look for last minute deals. We use Teams and Zoom.

But not all of us hear our mother tongue and other languages around us almost constantly from early childhood. Have you ever wondered how people who are deaf or hard of hearing learn English?

Until recently, people with hearing difficulties did not learn foreign languages at all, but now almost everyone wants to and can learn foreign languages – from kindergarten through primary and secondary school to university. Language teachers in Poland and other countries are constantly looking for new strategies and teaching methods to help deaf and hard of hearing students learn to read, write and sometimes listen and speak in a foreign language in the most effective way. This is being addressed by a new branch of knowledge – SURDOGLOTTODIDACTICS.

If you want to find out more read interesting article: