Association pour la Langue française Parlée Complétée Belgique (ALPC Belgique) was established in 1984. Its aim is to develop and promote French Cued Speech (LfPC). The main objectives of ALPC Belgium are to spread awareness and practice of LfPC.
The people we train in and inform about this technique fall into three categories: professionals, parents, and close friends of deaf/hard of hearing children – plus students in speech therapy.
Our main activity is to offer training in LfPC on four levels, during weekends of classes (among other things). We also organise “a la carte” training (face to face or by videoconference) and week-long summer schools.
We hold information stands at specific events in a variety of places – such as the Deafness and Speech Therapy Fair, World Day of the Deaf, invitations from special schools, multidisciplinary and general education centres, etc.
We provide transliteration (LfPC cueing) of staged performances and support students in speech therapy for their final dissertations.
We ourselves in the past have organised international congresses, and we participate in study days.
The quarterly liaison and information bulletin, “Le Petit Codeur”, enables us to keep in touch with all those who are interested in LfPC. Some back numbers can be downloaded from our website www.lpcbelgique.be. We also have a Facebook page @alpcbelgique, an Instagram account alpcbelgiqueasbl and our twitter is @AlpcAsbl.
We have produced teaching materials that can be used for self-study or as a complement/support to the LfPC training courses for beginners. We have also created videos of Cued stories. Continuing education in partnership with the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) is a project that will be implemented from 2022.
WEBSITE: www.lpcbelgique.be
E-MAIL: secretariat@lpcbelgique.be
FACEBOOK: @alpcbelgique
INSTAGRAM: alpcbelgiqueasbl

Logopsycom is an education innovation center that creates and uses alternative methods or tools (digital or not) to accompany schools, VET centers, educational organizations, youngsters and parents. It was initially created as a care company, specialized in learning disorders, among youngsters, especially in “Dys” (Dyspraxia, Dysphasia, Dyslexia, etc.), also called Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) and therefore always works on the accessibility of content.
WEBSITE: logopsycom.com
E-MAIL: info@logopsycom.com
FACEBOOK: @Logopsycom
TWITTER: @Logopsycom
INSTAGRAM: @Logopsycom

Foundation ARTeria is non-governmetal and non profit organisation established in 2006. ARTeria does a variety projects and activities related to social and economic development primarily through culture, art and innovative education. ARTeria realises its statutory objectives in the three fields: ART&NET, ARTerioheritage and ARTeriopublishing.
ARTeria is a team of professionals (including teachers/trainers and lecturers) with 15 years experiences in supporting individuals, businesses, public and private institutions and organisations by various educational activities. ARTeria runs several programmes and projects focused also on developing the innovation in the education.
WEBSITE: www.fundacja-arteria.org
FACEBOOK: @FundacjaARTeria
YOUTUBE: youtube.com/channel/UCVC49LA1KrhvfXWke3U5ETg
CONTACT PERSON: Wenancjusz Ochmann
E-MAIL: w.ochmann@fundacja-arteria.org

Euphoria Net Srl is an Italian company set-up in March 2019 with the main scope of providing services in the project management field, in terms of supporting organizations in carrying out and managing projects as well as providing training and contents creation on this topic. Euphoria is specialized in the educational field and works in projects related to bringing innovation in such fields.
The three main areas of activities are the following:
- Project management, as we follow all the aspects related to EU projects.
- Training courses and contents creation especially for schools of any grade, Universities and associations on project management, digital competencies and STEM, entrepreneurship, EU citizenship, personalized learning, soft skills and innovative methodologies.
- Organization of events and communication strategies.
CONTACT PERSON: Cristina Ceccarelli
E-MAIL: info@euphprianet.it
FACEBOOK: Euphoria Net

The origin of the Istituto dei Sordi di Torino (Turin Institute for the Deaf) dates back to 1814 when the king of the noble House of Savoy established a no-profit foundation to offer basic care and services for deaf and blind people and to train their teachers, making no distinction of age, sex, religion or ethnicity.
In Italy, with the end of the seventies, the evolution of legislation in the education sector and the changing of the pedagogical orientations give rise to a profound crisis of special institutions, which in the next decade numerous close. The management of the Institute decides to adjust their offer: the boarding school was closed, and the special schools opened to hearing children. Moreover, an innovative educational service for deaf students in the mainstream was inaugurated.
The Institute’s activities are not limited to blind, deaf and hard-of-hearing students: as required by the Statute from the beginning, training courses, conferences, seminars and publications are provided for teachers, educators, parents and health workers. The Institute aims to become, in addition to a centre of service, an important place of thought, research, reflection, meeting and of exchange of ideas.
The core of the Institute’s activity has always relied on Education, particularly developing ad-hoc learning programmes for blind, deaf and hard-of-hearing students, while at the same time training teachers to deal with this kind of disabilities in their classrooms.
Today, the range of services provided includes educational assistance for other schools where deaf children are enrolled, vocational training for young deaf people, Italian, English and foreign sign language classes, social housing, and a specialized library. In addition, strategic collaborations with the administrators of local cultural heritage enhance the accessibility of cultural venues in the North of Italy.
The institute is in the north-west of Italy and operates at a regional and national level about services and at international level for special projects.
The Institute is a Foundation, a non-profit organization, governed by a Board of Trustees totally autonomous from political or religious authorities.
The Institution has 160 workers.

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, founded in 1918, is one of the oldest Polish universities. Research on Cued Speech at KUL has been conducted at the Institute of Pedagogy, especially at the Department of Special Education, for over 20 years.
Since 1998 the head of the Department was prof. Kazimiera Krakowiak, creator of the Polish version of the Cued Speech method (1986), which she called “Fonogesty”. She conducted a pedagogical experiment in several special schools to check the effectiveness of the use of Polish Cued Speech in linguistic education of children with hearing impairment. She is the author of several dozen scientific and methodological publications on the Fonogesty method. She continues this research to this day with a group of collaborators and doctoral students. KUL undertakes activities supporting the education of people with severe hearing impairment at the university.
In 2004, the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education Center was established to support students with hearing impairments. Also, the Scientific Circle for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students “Surdus Loquens” was established, developing scientific and integrative activities for people with hearing impairment. Among other things, deaf students have access to sign language interpreters and Cued Speech transliterators. There are Polish Cued Speech courses for deaf students and their hearing colleagues and lecturers. Other forms of support include English as a foreign language classes, Polish language course and speech therapy classes.
KUL closely cooperates with the Polish Association of Fonogesty Method (PSMF) in Lublin, and K. Krakowiak is the President. The activities of the Association focus on the organization of Polish CS courses for participants from all over the country and the development of training and methodological materials. The Association offers 1st degree (basic), 2nd degree (instructor) and 3rd degree (master) courses. All courses end with obtaining a Certificate.
CONTACT PERSON: Aleksandra Borowicz
E-MAIL: ola.borowicz@gmail.com
CONTACT PERSON: Renata Kołodziejczyk
E-MAIL: renata.kolodziejczyk@wp.pl
FACEBOOK: Fonogesty