Save the dates: 24 September and 14 October 2022!
Presentation of the Erasmus+ project “Cued Speech Europa” (CSE) and conferences by ALPC Belgium on Friday 14th of October 2022 at the ULB – Université libre de Bruxelles – Campus du Solbosch, Dupréel auditorium, 1050 Brussels – Belgium
Free entrance – Reservation required via Google Form (link

Schedule and programme (provisional)
Arrival at 10.15 am
Start at 10:30 (Lunch offered during the lunch hour)
Ends at 15.15 pm
- Presentation of the Erasmus+ project by ALPC Belgium
- What is Cued Speech/LfPC: Langue Française Parlée Complété
(In this case “Cued Speech” is used as a generic term for coded languages)
Presentation of the 6 outputs of the Cued Speech Europa (CSE) project by the ALPC:
- The project website, the booklet, the 2 MOOCs (cueing and cueing/cue reading), the additional online exercises and the flashcards
- The testimony of the father of a deaf adult (present in the booklet)
- Links between ULB, CCP and ALPC
- Presentation by Ms Cécile Colin + introduction of Comm4CHILD PhD students
- Testimony of Ms Catherine Hage
- Presentation by Ms Brigitte Charlier
- Conclusion by Ms Jacqueline Leybaert and closing of the day by the ALPC
Apart from the event in Brussels of 14th of October 2022, we will be present in Spa, Belgium for the WDD (World Deaf Day), on Saturday 24th September 2022. We will have a stand and a workshop to present the achievements of the Erasmus+ Cued Speech Europa project (French-speaking part on LfPC).
This event (JMS) is organised by the FFSB (Fédération Francophone des Sourds de Belgique) and does not require pre-registration with us.